One reason why 5S is so popular is that it can be used to reduce or eliminate waste in many situations. But the waste we deal with in 5S is a bit different from that for the LTA booklets. In our case, the waste is not in the form of physical waste of energy or materials. Rather, it refers to wasteful activities that do not add value to the final product or service. This video clip illustrates what I am talking about.
With proper 5S, the person in this video would not need to waste time searching for and accessing the item he wanted. Yes, it’s only a few seconds but it is still waste. Furthermore, it causes some frustration to the workers.
The Japanese have an interesting way of classifying this type of waste. They call it Muri, Mura and Muda; or 3 Mu for short.
1) Muri means Irrationality or Strain. It means; “Doing that which cannot be done”. It usually refers to tasks that are very difficult or impossible to do; such as maintaining prolonged periods of vigilance, or having to remember a lot of things, or straining to read small words or symbols in dim lighting conditions?
2) Mura means Inconsistency. It means; “Not doing that which should be done”. It usually refers to situations where things that are not running as they should; such as when there are systems but people do not follow. One example is the yellow boxes at road junctions where cars are not supposed to stop in. Another example is the people who rush into MRT trains the moment the doors open and not giving the passengers a chance to alight. Their actions slow down the entire process and results in waste.
3) Muda simply means Waste. It refers to activities that do not help or add value, e.g. waiting/delay, rework, repair, etc. Muda is often the result of Muri and Mura.
I have read a Chinese 5S book which translates the 3 Mu’s as, 三不 or, 不合理,不均衡,and 不精简。
The 3 Mu’s are all around us; in our workplaces, homes, roads, public places etc. In any place where there is human activity, you will find them. I believe that if more people are conscious of, and are able to spot these wastes and then apply the simple techniques of 5S to eliminate or reduce them, this world could be a slightly better place to live in.
One technique in 5S which is widely used to reduce waste of the sort I have discussed here is Visual Control. I will explain the next time.
In my other blog, I once posted an essay about a very different type of waste. Do check it out here.
“Death is only a sadness. Tragedy lies in waste.” – Herman Wouk
1 comment:
The power of 5S principles, stating it simply, helps its practitioners to solve problems and enhance productivity whether applicable at company or individual level. But what happens to lay people who do not know 5S, are they at a disadvantage in their daily life? Not really so if they make full use of their common sense. Even a housewife knows (for muri) to remember better, she should jot down things which she wants to do and save the hassle. If neccessay, she would buy a magnifying glass to assist her to read small prints. She would even buy her children hand phones for better communication with her kids when they are outside home (vigilance). As for stopping before yellow boxes, most motorists know the traffic rule. With a little attention and consideration for the public, they are able to comply with it (Mura). Muda: If people communicate before hand through phones and schedule their activities promptly, waiting and delay could be avoided. Preventive maintenance can prolong the life of things, and avoids unnecessary repairs in the first place. All in all, a bit of deliberate thinking, coupled with a heavy dose of common sense, will go a long way and would make things much better if we learn 5S as well.
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